2021 Cache Creek MTB Race
Two Course Options: Short and Long (Must Register for Course Option)
Short Course: The course will then continue up the Cache Creek Rd., turn right at the Hagen Trail entrance (bridge #1), continue west on the Hagen Highway Trail, utilize the Ferrin’s connector, Tiny Hagen and Hagen Trails to travel to the east, then exit the Hagen Trail at bridge #2, cross the main Cache Creek Rd./Trail, continue east on the Upper Sidewalk Trail, again cross the Cache Creek Rd./Trail, cross Cache Creek at Bridge #3, continue east on the Hagen Trail, cross Cache Creek at bridge #5, and the Cache Creek Rd./Trail and then utilize the Putt-Putt mountain bike trail (only) west to the finish line located at the Nelson Drive Trailhead.

Long Course: Long course will be the same as the short course to the Ferrin's Connector then continue up Ferrins, down Wilson Canyon to left on West Game to its terminus with Game Creek. Turn left (north) on Game Creek, over Game Creek Divide to a left turn on Cache Cr. Rd/trail. Right turn onto Putt-Putt where the course will join the short course to follow Putt-Putt to the finish at the Nelson TH.

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